Colour version of the graph on p. 71 of The Riddle of Literary Quality.
E.L. James, Vijftig tinten-trilogie (Fifty Shades Trilogy) and Romance, principal components analysis (1000 most frequent words).
Novels translated from English are shown with an E_ before the author and abbreviated title, and originally
Dutch-language novels are indicated by N_. The O_ for the Fifty Shades trilogy stands for Other. Measre: PCA, correlation version.
These graphs have also been created using the Stylo Package for R. See Figure 3.1 for more information about the package and the measures.
Figure 3.3.1:Fifty Shades and Romance
Cluster analysis (1000 most frequent words). Measure: Classic Delta.
The visualisation of this cluster analysis also clearly shows that books by the same author are usually the most similar to each other. The distance of the Fifty Shades trilogy from the rest is less in this measurement than it appears in the analysis on principal components as visualised in Figure 3.3: the trilogy is slightly more than two Delta scores away from the novels by Van Gastel, Macdowell, Middelbeek and Kinsella.That picture does not change when we do a whole series of cluster analyses as visualised in the bootstrap consensus tree in Figure 3.3.2.
Figure 3.3.2:Fifty Shades and Romance
Bootstrap consensus tree (100 - 1000 most frequent words, increment 100, consensus strength 0.5). Measure: Classic Delta.
The additional measurements nuance the picture that the Fifty Shades trilogy does not overlap in terms of word frequencies with the books from the Romance category in the survey corpus.